Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My Soylent 1.0 First Taste Experience

I've had a chance to taste official Soylent and compare it to my diy. It was very different from what I expected. So many of the reviews I've read emphasized some negative aspect of Soylent, the grittiness, the lingering film, etc. I didn't experience any of that.

I think that most people have been missing what's really there. Soylent is perfect or just about as perfect as I could imagine it being at this point. It is so uniform in flavor, texture, smell, and color. I think this surprised me the most. There are no competing aspects.

The flavor is subtle, but more importantly, it's one flavor. There is the slightest hint of fish oil taste which will probably be changed in some future variation. There aren't several competing flavors in the mix. It just tastes good, not too strong, just right.

The texture is excellent. There is a creaminess that's hard to explain. Once mixed, it looks like a thin liquid, about the consistency of milk, but it has a creamy texture that seems thicker than the actual mix. Hard to explain, but it's very satisfying. There is a slight grit from the rice protein, but it is smooth and provides a contrasting mouth feel that my brain likes. I need that sensory experience to have a variety of complementary textures.

The smell is light and milky. In fact, I think this is where the "malt" aspect comes from. There is a maltiness in the smell more than the taste. I think that's why it seems to have a hint of malty flavor. Again, it's very pleasant.

It looks great, too. The color is pleasing and even. I keep coming back to this evenness. The real genius I'm experiencing is how well it all blends together, that perfect uniformity. Nothing sticks out. It is easy to drink, and I doubt I'll ever get tired of it.

I had Soylent for breakfast, and I decided to compare it to my diy at lunch. Here's where things got weird.

I had Soylent first for lunch then my diy. My first taste of my diy was almost foul. The flavors and smells were so pungent that I didn't want to finish it. I hadn't noticed how off it was before. It seemed like there were so many different things competing against each other. It was too strong, the texture too clumpy, the smell was wrong, the mouth feel was flat. Compared to the refined elegance of Soylent my diy was rough. The multiple textures didn't blend well, and there were just too many smells from multiple ingredients that didn't exactly work together.

This is when I finally realized the genius of Soylent. So much work must have gone into taking off the sharp edges of all the ingredients, getting everything to work together in such a way that one thing cancelled out another. It reminds me of the way noise-cancelling technology works, using opposing frequencies to cancel each other out. All that remains is a smooth, pleasant mixture that's easy to mix and consume.

I know there's a lot here. I'm just kind of letting the thoughts spill out as I try to explain what I've experienced. My simple review is that Soylent is great, and it is truly enjoyable to drink. My brain just lit up as I was drinking it for the first time. I was rather a chatty person all morning, too. I just had that little extra spark. Soylent is everything I'd hoped for and then some. I can't wait to have it at my disposal every day. As for my diy, I honestly am going to have to force it down in the meantime. I may not succeed. I was totally shocked. I wouldn't have believed that the diy would be so easily displaced.

To everyone at Rosa Labs, know that I think you have created something extraordinary that truly has risen to another class since its origins. I now have something great to look forward to.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


A very health-conscious vegetarian friend of mine posted a link today to a delicious and healthy breakfast site.  And there it was, the Salted Chocolate Oatmeal Smoothie!  I almost had to laugh.  This healthy recipe was just about the exact base of Soylent!  The only difference is that Soylent has an almost perfect balance of all the rest of the nutrients that the healthy body needs.

I think I've found a new way to describe my Soylent.  I'm drinking a Salted Vanilla Oatmeal Smoothie.  It's all the rage these days.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


This is the only SOYLENT article you will ever need to read.
From the article: "Food is for some people a genuine struggle...You don't need that! Just go cook something quick and healthy!" can be about as wrongheaded and insensitive as telling an alcoholic that they could fix all their problems by just drinking less or telling a clinically depressed person that they'd feel better if they'd just stop moping and cheer up."

Great job, Lee Hutchinson!  You can read the article here: 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I'm celebrating 8 weeks of Soylent today, brought to you by the Number 20!  That's 20 for 20 lbs lost so far.

Honestly, I'm not really trying all that hard to lose any weight.  I for sure haven't gotten into "serious" workout mode.  I'm leaving that for when my real Soylent arrives, just a little something to mark the occasion and all.  I pretty much have Soylent whenever I'm hungry, so I'm not trying to limit what I eat.  And still, I've lost 20 lbs.  Cool!

I guess I'm just satisfied with less when I'm consuming nothing but Soylent.  Maybe it's that I'm getting all the nutrition I need, so I don't need as much.  Maybe it's that I'm drinking the same old thing every day, and I just don't crave it like I craved all those yummy, fattening foods.  I don't really know what it is, but I'm okay with it whatever the case.

Soylent has been good to me.  I still get a natural high every morning when I take that first gulp.  I still love the idea of Soylent.  I'm still waiting not so patiently for my Official Soylent to show up.  And I'm still drinking Soylent and nothing else.  Yeah, it's a good thing goin' on.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Is this the trend for the foreseeable future?

With food prices on the rise, wouldn't it be great if you could meet all your basic nutritional needs with an affordable, ubiquitous food source and enjoy traditional food delicacies whenever you wanted to treat yourself?

Monday, May 19, 2014

Why the hell would anyone want to live on Soylent?

Here's a really good article from entitled "Why the hell would anyone want to live on Soylent?"  the author, David Cain, had this to say in the comment section:

"This is a major theme in some of the critical articles, that the introduction of this product is the first step in a joyless dystopian society.
We are already consuming un-inspiring, un-interesting food for reasons of convenience in great quantities. The problem is that these foods are incredibly unhealthy.
The act of preparing something wholesome to eat three times a day has been a huge problem for a large swath of society for decades. There may be people out there who manage to fulfill the requirements of their careers, families, creative pursuits and bodily health quite well using conventional food practices, but they definitely do not constitute the majority of people, at least where I live.
It’s just a product. Not everyone is going to find a reason to buy it, but I think there is a greater need for this than many critics realize."

Check it out.  It's a great read!

Monday, May 5, 2014


In the span of an evening and a morning, I experienced two new things on my Soylent Odyssey.  Last night, I got too full to finish eating my Soylent.  I still have some of yesterday's container on my kitchen counter.  This morning, however, I had an overwhelming desire to eat a roast beef sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise.

One thing I know for sure is if I had not been on a Soylent-only eating plan, I would have consumed two or three roast beef sandwiches by lunchtime.  That was in another life.  After a little over a month eating only Soylent, my relationship with food has changed.  I realized I wasn't physically hungry.  My mind was up to its old tricks, but, somehow, those tricks had lost their power.  What would have normally driven me into a wild, uncontrollable food binge was easily staved off by the first few sips of my breakfast Soylent.

Hey, I have nothing against a great roast beef sandwich.  One day, a little less than 11 months from now, I'll probably eat something like that as a supplement to my Soylent.  On that day, culinary delicacies will  be a colorful, pleasurable experience that I get to enjoy as a delight, not my main source of nutrition.  For now, I remain happy, full, and healthy thanks to my Soylent lifestyle.


Great article about Soylent in The New Yorker


Friday, May 2, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014


​I just spent the entire month of April drinking DIY Soylent!  For me it's monumental.  For others watching from the outside, it must look kind of crazy.  But I've joined a community of people all over the world who are doing exactly what I'm doing, redefining the nature of food.

It wasn't always an easy transition.  The first couple of days I thought I had made a huge mistake.  My body went through something like withdrawal symptoms.  Here I was giving it all the nutrition it needed, three times a day, and my body was in total freak out mode.  However, after a few days, things started to settle down.  After the first week, I was feeling better than I had felt in a long time.

One of the great benefits so far is that I have lost 16 pounds.  I've been pretty much eating all the Soylent I want, and I haven't really exercised all that much.  I didn't want to add any more stress to my mind and body, considering I was changing my entire way of eating.  After seeing this incredible 16-pound weight loss this morning, I'm ready to put it into high gear!

Soylent has satisfied my appetite completely.  After the first couple of days, I no longer experienced extreme hunger.  I usually drink three Soylent drinks a day, but I enjoy my Soylent all sorts of ways.  I freeze it like ice cream.  I make it thick and eat it with a spoon.  I've even baked it into cookies.

But the best is yet to come!  Right now, people all over the world are eagerly anticipating their first shipment of the real Soylent.  Up to now, we've all been making our own Do-It-Yourself versions of Soylent, but the real thing is finally on its way.  All of us Soylenters will begin enjoying the real thing in the next few weeks, something we've been waiting for for over a year!

What started out as a crazy notion has turned out to be the best thing I could have done.  I'm healthier, lighter, and excited about the future of nutrition, Soylent!

Saturday, April 26, 2014


After months of delay, Soylent finally ships


Well, I made it to the big 5-Oh on Friday April 25th!  I decided to make myself a Soylent cookie.  It was actually pretty good.  Even my wife said she liked it.  50 is going to be awesome with Soylent!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Have Soylent, Will Travel

Three weeks have already gone by on my Soylent Odyssey.  This was another banner week as I took Soylent on a four-day Easter weekend trip.  By this time, I had pretty much mastered the art of drinking Soylent at home and at work.  Both of those are fairly routine, and it's easy to get into that life rhythm.  However, travel was something new.

Our first stop for lunch was at Panda Express.  The whole family -- minus The Soylent Guy -- piled into Panda to get awesome looking Chinese food.  Did I mention that everything looks and smells awesome these days?  Anyway, while the rest of the Fam went inside, I got the boot, which is to say I made my Soylent in the trunk of my car.

I kid you not, I had a quasi-religious experience there for a minute, driving down the road, sipping my Soylent.  While everyone else got stuffed to the gullet, I could almost feel my brain cells sparkle with each sip.

Okay, I'm back.  The next eventful stop of the trip was Dodger Stadium.  Unfortunately, you cannot bring any opened containers into the stadium, which meant I wasn't able to Christen Dodger Stadium with its first taste of Soylent.  (RTD anyone?)

So I watched everyone else eat Dodger Dogs, pizza, nachos, chased with sodas and beer.  Yeah, I was practically drooling by this point, but I survived.

The final test was that we were graciously invited to Easter dinner...where at 5 minutes to dinnertime, I had to finally tell our hosts that I was drinking "meal replacements" order to get healthier, of course.  Not even a hitch.  Everyone was like, "okay, we get it."  What was I ever worried about?  Soylent is more socially acceptable than I knew.

So there it is.  I've survived three weeks drinking Soylent.  Actually, I've thrived for three weeks with Soylent, and the best is yet to come.  Three days from now, Official Soylent will be shipping.  My shipment may be three weeks out, but it is coming.  That is going to be a big day of celebration.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


It's already been two weeks drinking Soylent as my only food source.  While there was a lot to report at week one, week two has been just the opposite.  I haven't had any hunger issues.  My energy levels have been good and steady.  My sleep has been great.  Everything is steady as she goes.

My daughter did say to me last night, "Dad, you're not grumpy anymore at night now that you're drinking Soylent."  I said, "Are you telling me I used to be grumpy?"  She said, "You sure were; you were tired and didn't want to be bothered.  Now you're full of energy, talkative, and really fun."

Who knew?  I didn't even notice the change.  I just know that I feel better.  I must say, I'm liking this Soylent lifestyle.  I can't wait to see what the next weeks and months bring!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Wanna know what The Official Soylent tastes like? Lee Cauble got a pre-shipping sample...

This may sound crazy but - Soylent 1.0 - The First Taste Experience

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Official Soylent projected to begin shipping April 21, 2014!


My first week on DIY Soylent was not what I expected.  I woke up this morning feeling normal, and normal was a welcome feeling.  I knew that Soylent would be very different from my regular eating habits.  I knew my body would have to adjust.  But knowing and experiencing are two very different things.

The first three days, I was hungry, really hungry, all the time.  On day two, I forgot to bring my Soylent breakfast and lunch to work.  Somehow, I managed to stick it out.  I ravaged an entire day's worth of Soylent when I got home.

Then there were the headaches, the lethargy, the constant stomach rumbling, and the cravings.  My senses were heightened.  I could smell delicious food from a mile away.  Everything smelled like a gourmet meal...that I was missing out on!

And then, on about day four, without any real fanfare, all these things started to fade.  I began to feel more rested in the mornings.  I noticed I wasn't really hungry.  The headaches were gone, and once Soylent had replaced all the bad food in my body, my stomach became calm and happy.

This morning, one week to the day from the beginning of my Soylent odyssey, I woke up feeling...normal.  By normal I mean, really good.  I felt rested.  I had no backache.  I was not hungry, and my Soylent was SO satisfying to drink.  In fact, I've had more energy today than I've had in a very long time.  I have this extra spark that is propelling me through the day.

I can tell you, I did have my doubts early on, but now I'm fairly excited about what the coming weeks and months will bring.  I'm even more excited for Official Soylent to be released.  From my vantage point the food of the future is looking pretty good.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Frozen Soylent

Ahhhhh!  Frozen Soylent!  This is my treat for the weekend.  Is there anything this stuff can't do?

Thursday, April 3, 2014




This is what my scale read on April 1st, 2014.  I wonder how Soylent is going to change this number?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

First Soylent Lunch at the Office

So this is what lunchtime looks like with Soylent.  It's rather minimalist, I must say.  But it's also quick, easy, and I can keep right on working while I enjoy a tasty Soylent lunch.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


It's April 1st, 2014, and for the next year I'll be eating nothing but Soylent!  I'll start off with Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Soylent, but when Official Soylent arrives at my door, I'll be making the switch to the real thing.

Maybe you've never heard of Soylent or you just want to learn more.  If that's the case, then this blog should help you on your way.  Be sure to click the "follow" button.  I hope to share lots of Soylent info and some good Soylent-ertainment from time to time.  Check out the video below for a quick overview of the making of DIY Soylent.

Thanks for stopping by.  Enjoy!